While twitterati was concerned about the possible ban of Twitter in India, Twitter was busy suspending an account created less than 24 hours ago. Delhi for farmers is a solidarity of Trade Unions, human rights activists, women’s movements and other concerned citizens who support the farmer’s movement. As the farmer’s movement completes six months of sit-in, DFF created a twitter handle to talk about the problems faced by farmers. A press release and a couple of retweets later, we find the account suspended in less than 24 hours.
This anti-democratic move of Twitter speaks volumes of their policy to cater to governments and suppress democratic voices. Dear Twitter, speaking in support of farmers is not cautionary activity that needs to be shut down. Nor is speaking up against capitalism or corporatization of the economy. Suspending an account will not stop the observation of Black Day by thousands of supporters. We will find other platforms.
The suspension of the account will definitely question the loyalty of Twitter. It will force people to question your intention and motivation. We will be forced to ask if the giving of millions of dollars as aid to a right wing, proto-fascist group was a mere accident. We will question your claim to be a platform for democratic voices. We do hope you understand the responsibility of running a social media platform. Social media is supposed to be an alternative to government media. Over the years we have not seen the suspension of any accounts that spread social polarization or stalking women. Even accounts that sold women were not suspended for criminal content!!
We reiterate, the suspension of an account in solidarity with a democratic movement is misusage of power and anti-democratic. As a platform that is meant to support the voices of the marginalizes, please get your priorities right. Revoke the suspension of @DFF_RFL immediately. You owe an apology to the solidarity movement.
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