New Delhi: The State BJP president Adesh Gupta, while terming the Kejriwal government as that of deaf, liars and worthless, has alleged the chief minister and his aides are not releasing the pending Rs 13000 crore due to all the three corporations so that they are not able to function properly. Leading a protest demonstration on this issue outside the state assembly here on Friday, he warned the party will continue to protest till this pending amount is released to corporations by state government.
Present in the protest were state general secretary and programme convener Harsh Malhotra, east Delhi corporation mayor Shyam Sunder Aggarwal, his south and north Delhi counterparts Mukesh Suryan and Shri Raja Iqbal Singh respectively, chairmen of standing committees Jogiram Jain, Col Shri B K Oberoi and Veer Singh Pawar and leaders in all the corporations including Chail Behari Goswami, Satyapal Singh and Inderjit Singh Sehrawat besides councilors.
Earlier, councilors and other office bearers in the corporations assembled at Vishwavidyalya metro station and marched to Vidhan Sabha led by Adesh Gupta. They were stopped by the police near Civil Lines police station where addressing the protestors he said the first representatives of the people, that is councilors, are not protesting for their own salary or allowances but against stalling of developmental funds for public welfare. He further said this fund is meant for primary schools, primary health care centre’s or parks. These works have come to a standstill in the absence of these funds, he said, adding it is being done for purely selfish political reasons.
Kejriwal who was awarded for working against corruption is now himself neck deep into corruption and lies and scams and corruptions have become the identity of this government. But fact is people have seen through this all and know the truth behind all this, he said.
He said there is no room for dictatorship in democracy and people are supreme. But these powers hungry AAP MLAs are not even able to face the public now but our party is committed to exposing all their misdeeds for as long as these public welfare funds to corporations are not released, he warned.
The State BJP President said it is not somebody’s personal fight. If Kejriwal continues with step motherly treatment to corporations for political reasons, we will continue to fight till the last in the larger interest of the common man, he warned.