Taiwan is an island, roughly one hundred miles from the coast of south east China surrounded by “first island chain”, which includes a list of US-friendly territories that are crucial to United States foreign policy.
Historical sources indicate that the island first came under full Chinese control in the 17th Century under Qing dynasty and in 1895 they gave up the island to Japan after losing the first Sino Japanese war. China took the island again in 1945 after Japan lost World WW II.
But a civil war erupted in mainland China between nationalist government forces and Communist Party. The communists won in 1949 and took control in Beijing. The nationalist party – known as the Kuomintang – fled to Taiwan, where they ruled for the next several decades. China points to this history to say that Taiwan was originally a Chinese province. But the Taiwanese point to the same history to argue that they were never part of the modern Chinese state that was established under Mao in 1949.
Taiwan celebrate its national day on 10th Oct but the foundation chart is considered on 25th Oct. 1945, the day it was recaptured by China. The combination of debilitated Mars along with Saturn in the lagna explains the early civil war struggles of the country. The presence of exalted Moon in the 11th house of gains which is also lagna lord aspected by the 9th lord Jupiter representing luck indicates strong economic growth.
The present Ketu-Venus vishmotri dasha sequence running since Feb. 2022 indicate tensions with neighboring countries as Venus is debilitated and is situated in the 3rd house representing neighbors.
This period will remain till March 2023 and till then situation will remain tense. The upcoming two eclipces in quick succession, first a solar one on 25th October 2022 and another lunar one falling on 8th November 2022, both visible in this part of the world may trigger the war like conditions between two countries.