New Delhi : Actor and model Sidharth Shukla, best known for his role in the TV show Balika Vadhu, died this morning at the age of 40. Mr Shukla was taken to Mumbai’s Cooper Hospital – initial reports suggested the actor had a heart attack; a post-mortem will be conducted by a panel of three doctors. Sidharth Shukla’s sudden death has left the TV fraternity “shocked and sad”, with tributes pouring in from colleagues such as Sunil Grover, Devoleena Bhattacharjee, Himanshi Khurana, Munmun Dutta and others. Sidharth Shukla, who won season 13 of Bigg Boss in 2019, is survived by his mother and two sisters.
Sidharth Shukla was active on Twitter until earlier this week. His last tweet, posted on August 30, congratulated athletes Sunil Antil and Avani Lekhara on their golds at the Tokyo Paralympics.
Indians making us proud over and over again… a World Record in addition to the #Gold in #Paralympics … congratulations #SumitAntil and #AvaniLekhara
— Sidharth Shukla (@sidharth_shukla) August 30, 2021