Mostly we tend to see the efforts we are putting in a relationship. We have a complete blindfold to the efforts put by our partner in the relationship. At times these efforts are not so overtly visible. In a successful relationship, both the partners need to put equal efforts. Otherwise, it does not function properly and smoothly.
Notice the things they do for you:
You might consider it as a very small deed contributed by them in a relationship. However, that should be appreciated as well because these small deeds also make a big difference in a relationship. Anything done by them for you or towards the relationship should be taken positively and should be appreciated and acknowledged by you.
Thank them or appreciate the thing they have done for you:
If your partner tries to do something special or tries doing something for the relationship, it should be appreciated. They can be appreciated in different ways by saying a simple ‘thank you’, a small kiss or a present. Newness and brightness should be added in the relationship to give a new spark and not allowing it to stale.
Spice up your love life a little to show your appreciation:
You can take the lead role to put in effort in the relationship. To celebrate your togetherness, you can spice up your love life. You can visit new places, make love and discover the undiscovered aspects of your relationship.
Compliment them:
Complimenting them always makes them feel appreciated. They can be appreciated for their physical beauty, the love they have for you and the efforts they take towards the relationship. They feel that you truly do understand them and understand their worth as well.
Do things you enjoy together:
Do things which you enjoy together as a couple. This is mostly what couples refer to as “our thing”. Simple things can be enjoyable as well, a glass of wine in the comfort of bed with dim lighting and talking to the love of your life. Doing the things you enjoy together will make your partner feel that you enjoy their presence and want to spend time together. This will make them feel appreciated and desired.