Mumbai: Kangana Ranaut has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons. Her Twitter account was suspended temporarily for a few hours on Wednesday. This happened after a tweet of hers was deemed in violation of the guidelines provided in the microblogging site. For the unversed, Kangana had shared a tweet that is related to the ongoing controversy related to Tandav. She not only attached the makers of the show in the now-deleted tweet but also talked about ‘taking their heads off.’
It was after this that Twitter suspended her account for a few hours. Now, the site has reportedly justified its action during an interaction with NDTV. While talking to the news channel, a Twitter spokesperson says, “We take action on any account that violates the Twitter Rules. We welcome people to freely express themselves on our service, however as outlined in our Abusive Behaviour Policy, you may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so.”
The same spokesperson further adds, “We prohibit content that wishes, hopes or expresses a desire for death, serious bodily harm against an individual or group of people and take enforcement action when we identify violations which could include placing an account in read-only mode.” Talking about Tandav, the web series helmed by Ali Abbas Zafar has been mired in controversies right from the beginning. Certain sections alleged that the political drama has hurt religious sentiments and urged a ban on it. Not only that but separate FIRs have been filed against the makers in Mumbai and Lucknow respectively.