Hug day is celebrated on the sixth day of valentines week every year in valentine’s week in the month of February. A hug is always a symbol of love, protection, care and affection. On hug day couples tend to hug each other to express their emotions by their physical actions. Hugging and cuddling is known for removing stress and anxiety. It releases a happy hormone known as oxytocin. It helps in lowering blood pressure and anxiety.
It is believed that hug makes an individual instantly happy. Today is the best day to hug your partner and make them feel all the love and emotions you have for them. Hug day is one of the most important days of the valentines week as it’s the day when the couple truly expresses to each other.
The warmth of hug is long lasting. The couples in long distance relationship can meet their partners and hug them tightly whenever you meet them. The tight hug will give you a feeling of joy and love. Hug is a very important aspect in a relationship as it is an action which indicates the feeling of, I love you without saying it orally. It also indicates all the pure feelings and emotions for a person.