Hindu/Vedic astrology is very vast subject and contains many predictive techniques based on different parameters; when synthesized properly give amazing results. One of the methods used widely is annual horoscope {Varshaphal} which gives insights for the timing of the events in the coming year for the native.
In this write up I’m going to analyze the annual horoscope of Mr. Vladimir Putin current President of Russia since 2012. Mr. Putin has recently placed big bets on Ukraine by announcing additional force mobilization sending shock waves across the globe.
Vladimir Putin was born on 7th Oct. 1952 at St, Petersburg, Russia (data source:- astro data bank by Sh. K. N. Rao Ji) and will be completing 70 years next month. The ascendant of the annual horoscope 2022 is Scorpio which is identical to his birth chart. This type of combination is referred as “Dwijanma” or second birth in Hindu astrology. It strongly indicates serious health issues in the coming year for Mr. Putin, the vedhas (obstructions) to the Moon in Tripataki chakras also give hint about blood disorders. Mercury as year lord as well as munthesh (term used for calculating type of events in annual horoscope) also indicate better sense in the coming year. At the same time there are strong chances of getting unexpected windfall gains in the coming year. Thus it appears that Mr. Putin may back off from Ukraine war due to health issues after January 2023.
The above article is based on planetary positions and research thereon. The writer is not responsible for any loss made by any individual/corporate for any investment made in stock market/ precious metals based on above readings.