Under the Central Government’s Atamnirbhar Bharat campaign, a lecture focused on ‘Aatamnirbhar Haryana and Employment’ was organized at Central University of Haryana (CUH), Mahendragarh on Wednesday. In this event, Rashtriya Sah Sangathak, Swadeshi Jagran Manch Shri Satish , addressed the University teachers, researchers and students as an expert speaker and chief guest. He said that….
The program was presided over by the Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar.
In the program, expert speaker Shri Satish Ji said that the Atamnirbhar Bharat campaign has started when India was facing a serious crisis of Corona. In this time, the way Indians have made remarkable efforts towards achieving the goal of self-reliance, is really commendable. He said that the concept of self-reliance is present in Indian culture and ancient civilization from the very beginning and we have to understand it and pave the way for the future. He said that the objective behind the subject of ‘Aatam Nirbhar Haryana and Employment’ is that the possibilities available in this direction can be developed to the maximum at the university level. He described the role of the University fraternity in this work as an important one and said that we all have to fulfill our responsibility together. In this sequence, the Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar in his presidential address said that India has always been strong on the front of knowledge and skills. In modern times, special efforts are being made on the promotion and innovation front of information technology. Under these efforts, we now have to move forward together in the direction of self-reliance. The Vice Chancellor said that today’s youth is full of energy. He just needs proper direction and encouragement. The Vice Chancellor said that the self-reliant India campaign started by the Government of India is helpful in giving shape to such efforts and the university is also making remarkable efforts in this direction through its Atmnirbhar Bharat campaign unit. He said that it is our endeavor to not only bring the ideas presented by the students in the university to the grassroots level but also cooperate in the direction of development of necessary resources for it. For this, the university is also going to start a special center.
At the beginning of the program, Dr. Ranbir Singh, Convener, Atmnirbhar Bharat Campaign Unit of the University, presented the outline of the topic and told how the university is engaged in organizing various activities under this campaign. In the program, the stage was conducted by Dr. Renu Yadav, Assistant Professor in School of Education, while the vote of thanks was presented by Dr. Anand Sharma, Dean of the School of Business and Management Studies at the end of the program. On this occasion the Deans of various schools, Head of the Departments, Teacher-In-charges, Teachers, Officers, Staff members and Research scholars of the University were present.